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LIE (Right Men Book 1) Page 9

  "Call me Marc."

  "Cool." She smiled a toothy grin, a blush hitting her cheeks. She threw her shirt on over her blue tank top and smiled at me. "This is going to be so much fun! I can't wait to tell Violet and Sofia at school tomorrow!"

  We stepped out of his truck. We had decided to walk in together. I doubted any press would see us. Even so, he threw on a hoodie and a worn baseball cap he had in the trunk. Lexi held my hand as he walked at my other side.

  We had almost made it in when we heard it.

  "Holy shit! That's Marcus Wright!" a deep voice thundered, and squeals and giggles joined in. We turned to see a very big group coming toward us.

  Almost immediately, Marcus wrapped his arm protectively around me and told me to move Lexi in between us. Security rushed over, but not before the flashes and camera-snapping. We were escorted to the press box. I noticed he stayed behind, thanking security, before closing the doors behind us. Lex and I were quiet, shocked by of the amount of people and how quickly they had surrounded us. I heard the door open and watched him come in then shut it behind him before walking right over to us, right to Lexi. He bent his body, almost kneeling, getting down to her eye level, and looked at her.

  "You okay?"


  "You sure? They closed in fast and you were at your mom's side before we could move you to the middle. No one bumped you?"

  "No." She shook her head.

  "Stepped on you?"

  "No," she told him. I watched, my heart at my throat at the sight of this large man checking on my daughter. Making sure she was okay.

  "Trampled or anything?" I watched my daughter's face soften before she raised her hands to cup his face, and I braced.

  Lexi was a great kid, the best, but I didn't know what to expect. Not that she hadn't been around men before; she had just never been as close as she was to Marcus now.

  "I'm okay, Marc," her soft voice reassured him, and he frowned deeper, the worry genuine on his face.

  "You sure?"

  "Yeah," she nodded, still holding his face. Then I watched her get serious. "Is that what it’s like for you when you go outside?" she asked, a cute frown on her face, and I realized that for being her age she was a lot more mature than I gave her credit for.


  "Do you get scared?" I watched his body stiffen slightly at her innocent question.

  "Sometimes," he admitted. I liked him around her. Talking to her at her level. Being honest with her.

  "That sucks," she added her two cents, and I smiled.

  "Sometimes," he admitted again but then shook his head. "But sometimes it's really neat. I get to meet really awesome people."

  "Like my mom?" she asked, giving him her signature toothy grin. He laughed.

  "Yeah. Just like that."

  "Cool. Can I have Cracker Jacks?" she asked, quickly changing the subject. He stood, his eyes on me, seeking permission. I gave him a nod.

  "Yeah! It wouldn't be a baseball game without Cracker Jacks."

  "Totally...What about a hot dog?"

  "Of course." He grinned, and being my daughter, she pushed further.

  "And ice cream?" she added sneakily, and we both laughed.

  "I don't know about that," I added. Feeling his gaze on me, I turned to look at him, and he seriously said, "Your mom has a point. That might be a lot of sugar."

  I looked at Lexi, who was fighting hard from giggling, her eyes glittering in a way I had never seen. I whipped my head up to look at Marcus, who was dramatically winking and crossing his fingers. I laughed at his antics, enjoying the lighthearted way he was interacting with Lex.

  Without thinking, I rested my head on his shoulder. His hand wrapped around me instantly. I didn’t notice what I had done until we sat in the chairs and started to watch the game when I looked at Lexi next to me. Our eyes connected, her green with my dark, and I could see the mirth and amusement playing in them. She had a sweet blush on her cheeks as she fought from smiling brightly before she turned to watch the game. I sat there, Marcus’ fingers stroking my shoulder, my baby girl shoveling sweetened caramel corn into her mouth to keep from showing her shock at the affection he was showing, and I couldn't get myself to feel upset or regretful.

  I liked this moment. Probably too much, but I did. It felt right. So much for keeping things casual.

  By the end of the eighth inning, I could see Lexi starting to tucker out. The sugar high of Cracker Jacks, frozen lemonades, and ice cream both Marc and Lex had indulged in was starting to wear off and her eyes were heavy as her head started to lean against me. Obviously losing her battle with sleep.

  "Why do kids fight going to sleep?" Marc asked. I looked at him and shrugged.

  "I have no idea. I would love for someone to tell me to go take a nap." His eyes warmed, and I laughed, shaking my head. "None of that." I tipped my head toward Lexi, and he held my hand.

  "Have you been around a lot of kids?"

  "On set mostly. Though, those kids aren't like real kids, you know?"

  "What do you mean?"

  "They have whole empires and people who feed their families because of what they do. It sucks."

  "I can't imagine putting that kind of pressure or responsibility on a child."

  "Yeah." He sighed and squeezed my hand. "I have a cousin. She's as close to what I imagine having a sister can be. She lives in Montana. Ranch down the way from my place."

  "You have a ranch in Montana?"

  "Yes, Ma'am."

  "Interesting. Like with horses and chickens and stuff?"

  "Yup. Anyhow, she has three kids, and when I'm out there, I spend time with them."

  "That sounds like fun. How often do you go?"

  "I try to make it out there as much as a I can. I was there when Don gave me your book."


  "Yep." We stayed quiet, staring out toward the game, but I wasn’t paying attention. "She's a good kid," he pointed out, leaning slightly forward to look at her. I looked at her myself.

  "She is the best thing I have ever done," I shared as I stroked her hair, her little head on my lap.

  "I'm sorry about the mob when we got here." The tightness in his voice was obvious. I looked up at him, my breath catching as I looked into those damn blue eyes, and I was a goner.

  "You have nothing to apologize for."

  "I should have planned better. Had Don get security guards for us. I don’t know. Something."

  "Marc, it's okay. We’re okay. She's fine. Trust me, she would tell you if she wasn't." I was being honest. He ran his free hand through his hair and looked out to the field.

  "I need to tell you something, Grace."


  “When I went to see you…”


  “I went home and talked to Don and my brothers, and…”

  “Mommy,” Lexi sat up and scratched her head. “Can I go to the bathroom?”

  “Yeah, baby, let me take you.” I stood and looked at him, mouthing a sorry as I walked to the private bathroom of the suite. When we came out, Lexi was still tired, her eyes sleepy. Marcus looked at us and stood.

  “How about we head home?” he suggested, and I looked out at the field.

  “We’ll miss the end of the game.”

  “She’s tired and we have both been going nonstop today.” He shrugged. “Plus, I can tell you how the game ends.”

  “You can?” I asked, smiling at him while I helped Lex zip up her sweater.

  “Oh, yeah.”

  “How?” Lexi asked, suddenly slightly perked up. He smiled, ruffling her hair a little.

  “One team loses and the other wins,” he lamely told us, and Lexi laughed like it had been the funniest thing in the world.

  “Okay, Mr. Funny Pants, what’s the game plan to get out of here? Should Lexi and I meet you at the car?”

  “We could Uber home. Then Marc wouldn’t have to take us,” Lexi suggested. I looked at her.

  “What do
you know about Ubers?” Marc asked, his lips twitching.

  “They’re like taxis but less expensive; and I heard Tia Gabby tell Tia Gloria they are safer than taxis because the app tracks you.” To this, I couldn’t hold my amusement and laughed out loud.

  “Okay, no way would I let you guys Uber home.” Marcus zipped his hoodie, losing his own fight with laughter over my kiddo’s antics. “Second, I already got it taken care of.”

  “You do?”

  “Really?” Lexi and I asked at the same time.

  “Yeah. How about a piggy back ride, kid?” he asked. Lexi’s eyes went wide.

  “Really?” She looked at me in wonder. I nodded, giving her permission while I wondered what that was about.

  “Come on.” He lifted her up after calling for security I hadn’t noticed was at the door. “Ladies, please meet Baker; Baker, this lovely lady up here is Lexi. And this gorgeous creature is Grace Rivera.”

  “Nice to meet you,” the giant man in front of us rumbled as he reached up to shake Lexi’s hand. He reached out to me, and I shook his hand too. He was beautiful and scary all at the same time. Taller than Mark. Solid muscle beneath his dark suit. He was a great-looking guy. Dark chocolate skin and espresso eyes. I could see me writing a character that looked just like him.

  “It’s a pleasure,” I mumbled shyly, lost in my mental notes of the kind of story I could create around a man who looked like he did.

  “Do you bake?” Lexi asked. He turned to look at her, a smile flashing bright white, straight teeth.

  “Not even a little bit, baby cakes,” he answered in a deep voice, eyes on her. I liked watching their interaction.

  “That’s his last name, Lexi. Baker works with my brother sometimes.” Marc looked at Baker. “We ready?”

  “Yeah, it should all be clear.”

  We walked together. Lexi on Marc’s shoulders with me to his right side, holding his hand, Baker just a step behind us. Thankfully, no one spotted us. Or if they did, they didn’t approach. I helped Lexi get into the car and buckled up then waved at Baker, which earned me a chin tilt. I got into the car and watched Marcus talk to Baker.

  “I like him.” Lexi’s voice was soft after yawning. I turned to look at her with a tilt to my head. “Marc. He’s nice.”

  “Yeah, he is. He’s a nice friend,” I felt like adding, which for some reason made Lexi giggle. I frowned. “What?”

  “Friends don’t hold hands.”

  “He wanted to make sure we were safe, Lexi.”

  “I know. But if he didn’t like you, he would have been okay with us walking and meeting him here.”


  “And he wouldn’t have been so overprotective of us when we walked in.”

  “It was a big crowd, baby.”

  “Before the crowd, he was protective,” she added, and she was right.


  “And did you see how fast he moved me to the middle of you two?”


  “He likes you.” I shook my head, trying to figure out what to tell her.

  “We’re working together. He’s nice—”

  “He ‘likes you’ likes you, Mom.” I was too stunned at her observation. I opened my mouth, not knowing what to say, when the driver’s door opened and he slipped into the car, looking at both of us with a smile on his face.

  “You ladies okay?” he asked, and I swallowed hard. Clear affection twinkled in his eyes, even if cloaked by the semi darkness of the night.

  “Yeah,” I croaked with one last look at my sweet daughter, who winked at me before I turned to look ahead. My breath hitched when his hand covered mine. I looked down at it, at his light skin in contrast to my tanned one, then I looked up at him.

  “You sure?”

  “Yeah. I’m fine.” I smiled at him, enjoying the sensation of his thumb stroking mine. With a wink, he started the car. Lexi’s giggle from the back seat made me blush, but I couldn’t have got myself to move my hand away from his. Instead, I smiled, letting my guard down.

  Finally home, Marcus helped me carry Lexi in and waited in an empty living room as I changed her and got her down into bed. Gloria was going to come over early to take Lexi to school, and Gabby was planning on picking her up the next day. Something about knowing he was in our home, my daughter in her room, made me nervous. Made me want things I shouldn’t. Things I had shut the possibility of happening the moment Lexi’s dad stepped out of our lives without a second thought.

  Stepping into my living room and seeing him on my couch made me stop in my tracks. He looked good there. Comfortable and settled in. Like he wasn’t in any hurry to leave. Oh, yeah, he definitely looked really good here.

  “Come here,” he ordered, his voice slightly brusque. Without a second thought, my feet took me to him until I stood in front of him. He grabbed my hand, that funny look on his eyes anytime we touched falling over his face.

  “What is it?”

  “Your hands are warm.” His eyes moved from my hands to my eyes, and I felt a trail of heat left behind from his gaze. He pulled me in, and I let my body move forward until I was straddling him.

  “Hi,” I whispered like a complete nerd, my hands on his shoulders.

  “Hey.” His velvet voice smoothed my frayed nerves. “Tired?” he asked, his hands gently caressing my face.

  “A little.”

  “Want me to get out of here?”

  “Yes and no,” I answered honestly, and he looked at my curiously, so I clarified, “I like being around you. I like you here.” His intense gaze made me lean my face into his touch.


  “But you have three photo shoots tomorrow. One of which you have to take a helicopter to. You had a full day and…”


  “And I don’t know if I can go there tonight.”

  “Go where?” he asked, his blue eyes warming up to the most beautiful blue ever. I felt my face turning hot.

  “In the elevator. I think I gave you the wrong impression about me and—”


  “I mean, shit, when you were at my door, I suggested going at it against the wall and on a washing machine, for God’s sake. I can see how—”

  “Grace.” He smiled and it was sincere. “I don’t think you’re easy, if that is what you’re worried about, sweetness.”

  “You sure?” I asked, not realizing how important that was to me until that moment.

  “Yeah, baby. I mean…” He sighed, pulling me in closer, shifting our bodies so damn easily I had no idea how he did it.

  One moment I had been straddling him, and the next I was lying next to him. He was on his back, one arm behind his head under some throw pillows, my head on his chest. It was comfortable and felt right. He took a deep breath before sharing more.

  “I can’t tell you I don’t want you, Grace. I do. Fuck, I’ve been a walking hard-on since I showed up at your doorstep.” I bit away a smile as I looked up into his eyes. Damn, he was handsome. "The elevator was hot. It wasn't my intention for things to go as far as they did. But I sure as hell don't regret it."

  "It was fun."

  "It was." We lay in silence, my hand across his waist, his in my hair. So many things were going through my head.

  "Talk to me, Gracie. I can hear you thinking," he whispered against my forehead before kissing the top of my head, making my heart flip.

  "What are we doing here, Marcus?"

  "Getting to know one another," he immediately answered. I looked at him.

  "I like what I know so far," I admitted. I couldn’t help it.

  "I do too," he confessed, his eyes burning into mine. "I should go home," he added, and I bit my lip.

  "Yeah," I mumbled, not wanting him to go, but not ready for him to stay over. Especially with how crazy his schedule was the next day. Lifting my head, I leaned in and kissed him. Not to keep him there, but to say goodbye. But I should have known better.

  His lips were te
nder on mine, and with half my body on top of his, I had the false illusion of control. My body was hot, and dampness pooled embarrassingly quickly in my panties, my body needing so much more. Then his hands were in my hair, tilting my head, his tongue grazing mine. The combination of the taste and feel of him was lethal. Spurring a deep need to what felt like every damn molecule that made me.

  Everything around me faded away, except the ache and need for him. Just him and anything he would want to do to me. I needed more. I rubbed my breasts against his chest, and a sexy groan escaped his lips. We made out like a pair of teenagers on the couch, our bodies rubbing against one another, our tongues entangled. Teeth nipped and nibbled until he broke the kiss, making me open my eyes.

  We were both breathless, breathing each other’s air. I looked at him to understand why he stopped.

  "You're killing me, Grace." His voice was tight with need. I shivered in his arms and knew he felt it. With hooded eyes, he whispered, "I want you so fucking bad right now."

  "You do?" I stupidly asked, in awe. His eyes were hot, and he grabbed my hand and covered his crotch. His hard thickness beneath his jeans made me even wetter. "I want you too," I whispered. His hand left mine and moved to my waistband. My heart started to beat even harder than it had. We'd done this before, but in complete darkness.

  His fingers undid the button and started to unzip my jeans, slowly, giving me a chance to stop him, but I didn't. I couldn't. I felt the warmth of his thick fingertips touch my skin, and just as I closed my eyes, his hand slipped down and over my cotton-covered sex. I gasped, and he groaned. "Fucking wet."

  "Soaked," I panted, relishing in the anticipation of his touch.

  His mouth was on my neck, his tongue slipping out as his fingers pressed in, and I wished the material somehow disappeared into thin air. But before he was able to hook his finger into the gusset of my panties, his cell phone rang. He cursed.

  With a deep breath, our foreheads touching, I opened my eyes and saw his hot ones on mine. The distinct ringing of his phone kept going off, but we didn't look away from one another. Somehow in that moment, my hand over his hard erection, his hand cupping my sex, breathing the same air, felt more intimate than anything I’d ever experienced. I didn't want the bubble to burst, but I knew it would. The phone kept ringing, so I leaned in and kissed his lips softly, then moved away slightly.