STEAL (Right Men Series Book 2) Read online

Page 21

  “I don’t know. I expected chocolate chip or maybe peanut butter,” he informed, and I wondered if those were his favorite cookies.

  “Disappointed?” I asked, my lips twitching, just as his hands landed on the counter on either side of me, his body caging me in.

  It was two days after the whole family-get-together/ex-wife fiasco. It was also day two of us being an official thing. And since it was the first day we made it out of bed, I had woken up with a serious sweet tooth and was starving. So, with a soft kiss, I slipped out of bed a whole fifteen minutes before.

  “Not at all, Blondie,” he answered, and I squinted at him.



  “I’m dipping them in chocolate,” I shared, and the sexiest smolder known to man appeared on his face.

  “That sounds good.” His hand came up and skimmed my collarbone. I straightened to pretend he didn’t get to me, but I was the farthest thing from a covert agent. He knew his effect on me. His hand slowly moved up, tracing the line of my neck, and I couldn’t help the way my eyes fluttered shut.

  How can we have had a bed-bouncing marathon the entire day before and I still ache and want more?

  His hand slid up to my face, his fingers into my hair, and just like that, he had me caught in his sexy little web. The heat of his body warming every one of my senses. I didn’t want him to ever move. His thumb caressed my cheek slowly, making me feel delicate and feminine, before his lips touched mine softly.

  Before I could totally enjoy the minty taste of his mouth, he pulled away. “How can I help?” he asked. I opened my eyes slowly.

  “I love you,” I whispered, and his eyes warmed softly.

  “Who knew you were so sweet?”

  “Not you after I thought you were Vaughn’s date,” I told him, both of us laughing.

  “I still thought you were hot.” He smirked, and I shook my head.

  “I thought it was a loss of epic proportions and I was sad for the sisterhood to having lost you to the other team.” His laughter bubbled out. I liked watching him laugh, carefree and relaxed.

  “Are we really having coconut cookies for breakfast?”

  “No.” I kissed him. “Why don’t you go take a shower, and I will finish this and make some breakfast?”

  “How about I wash my hands and make breakfast while you make those cookies?” He winked, surprising me. Could he get any better?

  “Sounds good, boss.” I smirked.

  “Boss. I like that. We might be able to work with that later.”

  “No later. I have stuff I need to take care of today.”

  “Like what?” he asked over his shoulder from the sink.

  “Just stuff.” I shrugged.

  “Like?” He walked over to the fridge, and I watched him take out a carton of eggs, toast, and bacon.

  “When did you go to the store?” I asked him.

  “Baby, stop avoiding the question.” He dropped all the goodies on the counter next to me, and I looked up at him.

  “I need to clean up and make sure the shopping is done—“

  “The house is fine and I did some shopping. What else?”

  “Oh… ummm… I still have laundry, so I guess nothing.”

  “Good.” He grinned, grabbing a knife to cut open the package of bacon before grabbing a pan. “Are you going to stare at me all morning, or you going to make that cookie dough?”

  Shaking my head, I continued with the steps to make the cookies. “Maybe we could go for a drive?” I suggested and felt his body still next to me.

  “In the Woody?”

  “Yeah, I mean—“ The words stopped mid-way as he kissed my cheek with a loud pop. “What are you doing?” I asked with a giggle.

  “Can I drive?”

  “Umm, let’s not get carried away.” I grinned.

  “I’ll do that thing you liked last night,” he offered in a dirty whisper. I laughed, my cheeks blushing.

  “You would do that without me letting you drive her,” I pointed out and watched his eyes heat up a notch.

  “You’re right.” He nuzzled his nose at my neck. “Please,” he softly pleaded into my ear, making my body shudder.

  “Okay…” I gave in too easily. “Make me breakfast and some coffee.”

  “Anythin’ for you, mi’ lady.” He bowed before stepping away, toward the coffee machine. My face almost hurt from smiling so big.

  We both got working. Bryan made omelets and French toast, and I more than agreed, since I had a craving for something sweet. Finishing up slightly before him, I set the table as the macaroons cooled on a rack.

  We sat together, glancing at one another. I didn’t miss his warm looks, and something about being there with him, sharing the first meal of the day with the promise of a beautiful day ahead made my heart pitter patter. I wanted that. I wanted that for more than one day. I wanted it forever. And even though we had told one another the L word, forever felt heavier and dangerous. Knowing I should be careful, I ignored those thoughts and just enjoyed the moment.

  “Oh, my God! This is so good,” I moaned taking another huge bite.

  “It’s just an omelet.” He shrugged modestly, and I shook my head.

  “It’s so much more than that! Omelet and French toast!” Taking the last bite, I placed my fork on the plate and looked at him. “Thank you for breakfast.”

  “Anytime.” He smiled taking his own last bite and sitting back in the kitchen chair, his hand over one of mine.

  “Even without the promise of driving my baby?” I asked him, and his eyes warmed.

  “Even without the promise of your Woody.” He winked, and we both laughed before clearing the table and got ready for our drive up the coast.


  With the windows rolled down, his girl was sitting next to him, her head on his shoulder. He drove a beautiful vintage car back down the California coast. He didn’t want the day to end. He didn’t want their work week to start.

  He wanted more time with her. He wanted forever with her.

  “You okay?” she asked looking up at him, and he smiled before looking away. Her cheeks were pink from their day on the road and at the beach. Her golden hair wild and wavy from the salt air and wind, and he thought she’d never looked more beautiful.

  “Great,” he responded, squeezing her shoulder, taking in the way her body burrowed into his, melting perfectly to his side.

  Slowing the car down to take the exit to get back home, he took them to pick up takeout for dinner then made it back home.

  He had never lived with another woman other than his ex-wife and mom, but opening the front door for her, her body brushing by his, he couldn’t help but feel happy. Really and truly content with everything in his life. Valerie was a big part of it, and he knew he didn’t want that to change.

  “I’m going to dip the macaroons in chocolate and prep my lunch for tomorrow. You want me to pack you one?” she asked over her shoulder as she headed into the kitchen.

  “If you’re up for it, I wouldn’t say no.” He grinned, sitting his ass at the table, his eyes pinned to her every move.

  “Awesome!” She smiled at him, taking a bag of melting chocolate out of the pantry. “Do you want me to get you a beer?” she asked, and he simply shook his head.

  “No, baby, thank you. Need any help?”

  “I got it.” She smirked while prepping shit he was not familiar with at all.

  “So, other than my ex and her truth bomb, what did you think about my family?” he asked. Though they had driven up and down the coast and had soft-serve ice cream cones while walking on the pier, they had talked the entire day. And while Val had read on the sand while leaning against him, he’d had time to think and let the fact he could have everything he ever wanted in life again settle.

  “Your parents were nice. We totally caught them off guard—“

  “Thanks to my dumbass brothers,“ he felt the need to add, taking note he had to figure out a way to
get back at them.

  “Even so, they were sweet. I liked them.” She shrugged, making sandwiches and cutting up veggies into baggies. Her shoulders straightened, and he wondered what she was thinking. Thankfully, she didn’t let him wonder for long.

  “What was it like? Growing up with them?” she asked, and his hands clenched. His heart ached for her.

  “It was nice,” he answered honestly. He wanted to wrap her up in his arms and make her feel loved, protected, and cherished, but he knew if he even tried, she would shake him off.

  “Somehow, handsome, I would think it was better than nice.” He could see her grinning and shook his head.

  “It was a madhouse. Three boys, each two years apart. When we moved to LA, we got Donnie, so there were four teenage boys. I’m surprised my parents didn’t go broke with just feeding us.”

  “Did you guys always get along?” she asked, stretching her body as she placed a bowl into the microwave. His eyes skimmed down her back and stayed glued to the perfect curve of her ass.

  “We did.”

  “Even with Marc wanting to act?”

  “What do you mean?”

  “I don’t know, you always hear about actors and sibling rivalry.”

  “Na, we each had our own thing and my parents were good at making sure we each had our opportunity to shine.”

  “That’s good.” She smiled turning to lean on the counter. “What was your thing?” she asked him and then shook her head. “Let me guess, sports?”

  “What sport?”

  “Hmm…” Her fingers touched her lips, and he had to adjust his hard cock behind his jeans. “Football?”


  “No? Hmm…. Baseball?”

  “No. One more chance, Blondie. You get it wrong, you gotta deal with the consequences,” he warned. The microwave dinged just in time, and a shit-eating grin fell over his face as an idea came to mind.

  Giving him her back, she grabbed the bowl from the microwave and stirred the sweet, melted chocolate. “Hmmm…. wrestling?” she guessed. He scowled. Wrestling?

  “Hell, no.” He stood. Her eyes widened as he reached her, careful of the hot bowl. The sweet aroma of the chocolate and Valerie hit his nose.

  “Water polo,” he shared, and her eyes glittered.

  “Really?” She laughed, her cheeks brightened. “I would have never guessed that one.”

  “I love the water.” He shrugged, taking the bowl from her hands, holding the thing with one hand.

  “What are you doing?” she asked him in a soft, breathy tone. He smiled.

  “I’m hungry.”

  “You are?” Her chest heaved up and down, and even though her T-shirt was modest with just a small V-neckline, the cleavage it showed had him aching to touch and hold her breasts. Explicit after explicit image bombarded his mind of what he wanted to do to her with the chocolate and then without it after he licked it off.

  “Yeah. Fucking starving, Blondie,” he almost growled.

  “We should eat—“ she started to suggest innocently, but he placed a finger on her lower lip and she stopped talking.

  Fuck, he wanted her so damn bad that in seducing her he was about to lose his shit. Taking in a deep breath, he reminded himself not to take her. Not yet. He wanted to lick chocolate off her and hear her sweet sounds before he had her again.

  “Hmm,” he rumbled and took in her face. She was fucking beautiful and he was fucking lucky that no other guy had claimed her already. Mine, that voice in his head rang again, reminding him once again she was his, but this time, he more than agreed. “That won’t work, Val.”

  “Why not?”

  “I’m in the mood for something sweet.”

  “Oh?” Her eyes fired up. Lust and desire reflected at him. Watching her was like a shot of adrenaline into his blood stream. “Bryan—“ she mumbled against his finger, but he jerked his head slightly.

  “Shh.” He leaned in closer, caging her in further.

  Dipping his right pointer finger into the chocolate, he felt it was warm and gooey, and he couldn’t think of anything other than getting his fill of chocolate and the taste of the woman in front of him.

  “Your hands are dirty,” she pointed out in a semi-pissed tone, but he knew it was just for show.

  He brought the warm liquid to his lips, feeling her eyes on his every move, and tasted. “Dark chocolate,” he groaned. There was something so fucking good about the bitter sweetness of the confection.

  “Yeah.” She cleared her voice, but he could see the goose bumps prickling on her skin.

  Her hair was pulled up in a bun at the top of her head. He re-dipped his finger, painting a small streak over the exposed flesh of her neck.


  “Shh.” He licked his lips, his mouth hovering over the curve of her neck, then his tongue skated over her skin, licking up the sweetness. Her eyes fluttered closed and the most exquisite look of pleasure fell over her facial features. The mix of chocolate and her skin was like heaven.

  “You taste good, Blondie,” he hoarsely whispered against her ear and heard the soft moan that escaped her lips.


  “We’re going to get messy,” he announced to her, his lips lifted as she leaned her head to give him more space.

  “I didn’t finish packing lunches.”

  “Hmm.” He nuzzled above her ear and breathed her in. “I’ll make sure lunch is delivered to you tomorrow.”

  “Okay, then,” she conceded with a sexy, smart-ass grin, and he was harder than nails. He loved that she let it all hang out with him. She was vulnerable one moment and a complete wiseass another, and he wouldn’t want it any other way. He was so fucking gone for the beautiful goddess in front of him it wasn’t funny. Someone needed to put a damn fork into him, because he was done.

  “This is probably a very bad, messy idea, Bryan.”

  “Oh, it’s a very bad, very messy idea,” he cut her off to agree with her. He was done with her putting up barriers between them. “This is going to be bad. Very bad,” he huskily whispered.

  His free hand moved from her lips down to her front until it was splayed open at the soft roundness of her belly. Using his nose, he nudged the thin strap of her camisole slowly. His mouth covered the small skin he just exposed.

  “Messy and bad,” he rumbled against her skin, feeling her ass arch toward him, seeking him.

  “Bryan…” Her hand covered his; not to take it off but to hold him in place. As if he would let go. His finger went back into the mixture, repeating the action of drawing a sinful line on her, slowly moving around the right side of her neck and shoulder.

  Again and again, he covered her skin with the melty substance and took his time licking it off. The taste of her soft flesh better than the finest chocolate anywhere in the world. Enjoying the soft sounds she made with each tick of the clock.

  “You’re a tease, Bryan Wright,” she moaned, her head falling back slightly. He grinned wolfishly at her.

  “This is going to be so bad, Val. I promise you it’s going to be fucking great.”

  He switched hands, his dirty one going under her top. Feeling the way her tummy fluttered beneath his touch made him feel power unlike anything he ever had. They’d been insatiable and he knew her body reacted to his touch, but every time he saw it, her body responsive and greedy for more, made him want to roar like a lion. He was a guy who enjoyed being in charge, but this was something else. It was like he wanted her to know with every single touch he wouldn’t hurt her, that he would stand by her, that she could count on him.

  A deep-seated desire to make it about her drove his every movement and action. Every kiss and sweetened nip caused his hunger to grow exponentially. His hand slipped south, pulling her shorts and panties down. Her moans told him how much she appreciated it, but he didn’t dive into her slick heat. Not yet. Growing the anticipation was not only for her by then; it was for him, too. It was costing him not to grab her and pin her against a
wall and fuck her until they both flew.

  His hands swiped away the strands of hair that had fallen out of her messy bun at the back of her neck. Skimming his nose there, he breathed her in, gripping her tightly to him when she teetered slightly.

  “I got you,” he deeply whispered. The sharp intake of her breath told him she understood. He meant more than the mere present moment.


  “I got you, Val.”

  “I know… baby, I need more. Please, Bryan…”

  “Shh…” Turning her, he lifted her ass on the countertop, staring at her wide, light green eyes.

  “Room?” Next round, he thought wickedly.



  “Uh uh… lean back.”


  “Lean back,” he ordered, watching how she worried her lower lip. But she didn’t argue. Her body moved back, resting her weight on her elbows. “Eyes on me,” he ordered, so fucking turned on his whole body felt tight and starved.

  She gave him a slight nod without giving him lip, and he was humbled by her trust. He pushed the soft cotton material of her camisole above her tits. The sight of her beautiful breasts encased in white lace engrained itself in his mind.

  “Too fucking beautiful,” he growled. His lips fell to the center of her chest, right between her gorgeous mounds that rose and dropped with every breath.

  Eyeing the chocolatey goodness beside her, he dipped his finger again, drawing a line below her navel to just below her bra. No way he wanted to ruin that beautiful bra.

  “I’m going to eat you, my beautiful goddess.”

  “Shit,” she hissed the moment his tongue touched the bottom of the sugary streak.

  “You’re going to hold still,” he murmured when she started to squirm as he licked and kissed slowly up her torso. His lips moving, losing their way from the darkened trail only to find their way back until he reached the top.

  “Eyes on me, gorgeous.” His hands moved to her hips, pulling them to the edge of the counter.

  With a wicked gleam, he winked at her, bringing her feet to the counter. “I’m starving, Valerie.”

  Giving her some space, he felt like he’d won a damn gold medal when she did as he ordered without saying a word. She was spread out for him. He kneeled down on his haunches, finding he was at perfect eye level with what he was about to feast on.